Connecting people, brands and markets.

ottomisu is the leading agency for the development and realisation of corporate events. We realise maximum target achievement through networked, tailor-made and highly integrative events in all facets. We have been connecting people, brands and markets for 30 years.

Leistungen & Kompetenzen

Do you need support with the development of business events? Whether offline, online or hybrid - we offer holistic solutions and ensure smooth processes with all participants.

Whether as a full-service/lead agency or as a specialist for individual services, in an advisory role or actively involved in creation and production:

Our team offers solutions that are just as individual as you and your requirements and just as versatile as the expectations of the participants.

Event Evolution

Event Execution

Event Staging


Digital Solutions

Excellence &


Maximising the achievement of our customers' goals is our top priority. That's why our live and digital projects are as diverse as our customers themselves. However, they always have one thing in common: high-quality and passionate realisation. It's best to see for yourself.

Do you think we would be a good fit for you and your project? Then we look forward to a call or a message.

Stefanie Dieterich

Client Relations


+49 6221 - 73 902 - 40

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